Project Felix

Get Felix


Same as Tuffy, Felix is written in Java and relies on PostgreSQL (or Greenplum). To use Felix, please make sure that the following software is installed on your machine:

Step-by-step instructions on how to install and configure them can be found in the documentation page.

We also provide a Virtual Machine with all these dependencies (e.g., PostgreSQL, Java, and Felix) installed and properly configured. With this version, you can simply open the virtual machine and start trying out Felix! We also include more sample data for Felix in this virtual machine.

Felix in Virtual Machine (2.9 GB)

Download Felix 0.2 in a Virtual Machine

Learn how to try out Felix without any setup.

Felix JAR (50MB)

Download Felix 0.2 Binary

Learn how to use Felix in 1 minute.

Felix Source Code (60MB)

Download Felix 0.2 Code

(You can find a copy of the source code with a configured IDE in the virtual machine)

Felix in Virtual Machine for Experiment Repeatability (3.3GB)

VM for Experiment Repeatability

(We include the programs we are using in our technical report. To successfully run this VM, please allocate 8GB memory)