



  • Scaling Inference for Markov Logic via Dual Decomposition (Short Paper)  
    Feng Niu, Ce Zhang, Christopher Ré, and Jude Shavlik
    ICDM 2012, to appear
        author    = {Feng Niu Ce Zhang Christopher Ré and Jude Shavlik},
        title     = {Scaling Inference for Markov Logic via Dual Decomposition},
        booktitle = {ICDM},
        url       = {},
        year      = {2012},

  • Factoring nonnegative matrices with linear programs
    Victor Bittorf, Benjamin Recht, Christopher Ré, Joel Tropp
    Optimization Online
        author    = {Victor Bittorf and Benjamin Recht and Christopher Ré and Joel Tropp},
        title     = {Factoring nonnegative matrices with linear programs},
        booktitle = {Optimization Online},
        url       = {},
        year      = {2012},

  • Web-scale Knowledge-base Construction via Statistical Inference and Learning
    Feng Niu
    2012 PhD Thesis, UW-Madison
        author    = {Feng Niu},
        title     = {Web-scale Knowledge-base Construction via Statistical Inference and Learning},
        school = {University of Wisconsin-Madison},
        year      = {2012},

  • DeepDive: Web-scale Knowledge-base Construction using Statistical Learning and Inference
    Feng Niu, Ce Zhang, Christopher Ré, and Jude Shavlik
    VLDS 2012
        author    = {Feng Niu and Ce Zhang and Christopher R\'e and Jude Shavlik},
        title     = {DeepDive: Web-scale Knowledge-base Construction using Statistical Learning and Inference},
        journal = {Second Int.l Workshop on Searching and Integrating New Web Data Sources},
        year      = {2012},

  • The MADlib Analytics Library or MAD Skills, the SQL
    Joe Hellerstein, Christopher Ré, Florian Schoppmann, Daisy Zhe Wang, Eugene Fratkin, Aleksander Gorajek, Kee Siong Ng, Caleb Welton, Xixuan Feng, Kun Li, and Arun Kumar
    PVLDB 2012
        author    = {Joe Hellerstein and Christopher Re and Florian Schoppmann and Daisy Zhe Wang and Eugene Fratkin and Aleksander Gorajek and Kee Siong Ng and Caleb Welton and Xixuan Feng and Kun Li and Arun Kumar},
        title     = {The MADlib Analytics Library or MAD Skills, the SQL},
        booktitle = {PVLDB},
        year      = {2012},

  • Elementary: Large-scale Knowledge-base Construction via Machine Learning and Statistical Inference
    Feng Niu, Ce Zhang, Christopher Ré, and Jude Shavlik
    IJSWIS-WEKEX 2012, to appear
        author    = {Feng Niu and Ce Zhang and Christopher R\'e and Jude Shavlik},
        title     = {Elementary: Large-scale Knowledge-base Construction via Machine Learning and Statistical Inference},
        journal = {IJSWIS Special Issue on Web-Scale Knowledge Extraction},
        year      = {2012},

  • Big Data versus the Crowd: Looking for Relationships in All the Right Places
    Ce Zhang, Feng Niu, Christopher Ré, and Jude Shavlik
    ACL 2012
        author    = {Ce Zhang and Feng Niu and Christopher R\'e and Jude Shavlik},
        title     = {Big Data versus the Crowd: Looking for Relationships in All the Right Places},
        booktitle = {ACL},
        year      = {2012},

  • Toward a noncommutative arithmetic-geometric mean inequality: conjectures, case-studies, and consequences
    Benjamin Recht and Christopher Ré
    COLT 2012, to appear
    [Full Version] [BibTex]
        author    = {Benjamin Recht and Christopher R\'e},
        title     = {Toward a noncommutative arithmetic-geometric mean inequality: conjectures, case-studies, and consequences},
        booktitle = {COLT},
        year      = {2012},

  • Probabilistic Management of OCR Data using an RDBMS
    Arun Kumar, Christopher Ré
    PVLDB 2012
    [Full Version] [BibTex]
        author={Arun Kumar and Christopher R{\'e}},
        title={Probabilistic Management of OCR Data using an RDBMS},

  • Towards a Unified Architecture for in-RDBMS Analytics
    Xixuan Feng, Arun Kumar, Ben Recht and Christopher Ré
    SIGMOD 2012
    [Full Version] [BibTex]
        author={Xixuan Feng and Arun Kumar and Ben Recht and Christopher R{\'e}},
        title={Towards a Unified Architecture for in-RDBMS Analytics},

  • Optimizing Statistical Information Extraction Programs Over Evolving Text
    Fei Chen, Xixuan Feng, Christopher Ré and Min Wang
    ICDE 2012
    [Full Version] [BibTex]
            author={Fei Chen and Xixuan Feng and Christopher R{\'e} and Min Wang},
            title={Optimizing Statistical Information Extraction Programs Over Evolving Text},

  • Worst-case Optimal Join Algorithms
    Hung Q. Ngo, Ely Porat, Christopher Ré, and Atri Rudra
    PODS 2012
    Winner of the Best Paper Award
        author    = {Hung Q. Ngo and Ely Porat and Christopher Ré and Atri Rudr},
        title     = {Worst-case Optimal Join Algorithms},
        booktitle = {PODS},
        url       = {},
        year      = {2012},

  • Understanding cardinality estimation using entropy maximization
    Christopher Ré and Dan Suciu
    ACM Trans. Database Syst. Volume 37, 2012
        author    = {Christopher Ré and Dan Suciu},
        title     = {Understanding cardinality estimation using entropy maximization},
        booktitle = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
        url       = {},
        year      = {2012},


  • Felix: Scaling Inference for Markov Logic with an Operator-based Approach
    Feng Niu, Ce Zhang, Christopher Ré, Jude W. Shavlik
    author = {{Niu}, F. and {Zhang}, C. and {R{\'e}}, C. and {Shavlik}, J.},
    title = "{Felix: Scaling Inference for Markov Logic with an Operator-based Approach}",
    journal = {ArXiv e-prints},
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    eprint = {1108.0294},
    primaryClass = "cs.CL",
    keywords = {Computer Science - Computation and Language, Computer Science - Databases},
    year = 2011,
    month = aug,
    adsurl = {},
    adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

  • Hogwild!: A Lock-Free Approach to Parallelizing Stochastic Gradient Descent
    Feng Niu, Benjamin Recht, Christopher Ré, and Stephen J. Wright
    NIPS 2011
    [Full Version] [BibTex]
      author    = {Feng Niu, Benjamin Recht and Christopher R\'e and Stephen J. Wright},
      title     = {Hogwild!: A Lock-Free Approach to Parallelizing Stochastic Gradient Descent},
      booktitle = {NIPS},
      year      = {2011},
      project   = {Victor},

  • Incrementally maintaining classification using an RDBMS
    Mehmet Levent Koc, Christopher Ré
    PVLDB Volume 4, 2011, p. 302-313
      author    = {Mehmet Levent Koc and
                   Christopher R{\'e}},
      title     = {Incrementally maintaining classification using an RDBMS},
      journal   = {PVLDB},
      volume    = {4},
      number    = {5},
      year      = {2011},
      pages     = {302-313},
    project   = {Hazy},
    url       = {}

  • Tuffy: Scaling up Statistical Inference in Markov Logic Networks using an RDBMS
    Feng Niu, Christopher Ré, AnHai Doan, Jude W. Shavlik
    PVLDB Volume 4, 2011, p. 373-384
    [Full Version][Talk Slides] [BibTex]
      author    = {Feng Niu and
                   Christopher R{\'e} and
                   AnHai Doan and
                   Jude W. Shavlik},
      title     = {Tuffy: Scaling up Statistical Inference in Markov Logic
                   Networks using an RDBMS},
      journal   = {PVLDB},
      volume    = {4},
      number    = {6},
      year      = {2011},
      pages     = {373-384},
    url       = {},

  • Automatic Optimization for MapReduce Programs
    Eaman Jahani, Michael J. Cafarella, Christopher Ré
    PVLDB Volume 4, 2011, p. 385-396
      author    = {Eaman Jahani and
                   Michael J. Cafarella and
                   Christopher R{\'e}},
      title     = {Automatic Optimization for MapReduce Programs},
      journal   = {PVLDB},
      volume    = {4},
      number    = {6},
      year      = {2011},
      pages     = {385-396},
      url        = {},
      bibsource = {DBLP,}

  • Parallel Stochastic Gradient Algorithms for Large-Scale Matrix Completion
    Benajami Recht, Christopher Ré
    Optimization Online, 2011, to appear
      author    = {Benajami Recht and Christopher R\'e},
      title     = {Parallel Stochastic Gradient Algorithms for Large-Scale Matrix Completion},
      booktitle = {Optimization Online},
      year      = {2011},
      url       = {},
      topic     = {Optimization Online},
      project   = {Victor}


  • Manimal: Relational Optimization for Data-Intensive Programs
    Michael J. Cafarella, Christopher Ré
    WebDB, 2010, to appear
    author={Michael J. Cafarella and Christopher R{\'e}},
    title={Manimal: Relational Optimization for Data-Intensive Programs},
    year     ={2010},
    url      ={}
    note     ={to appear},

  • Transducing Markov Sequences
    Benny Kimelfeld, Christopher Ré
    PODS, 2010, p. 15-26
    Selected as one of the best papers in PODS 2010
    author    = {Benny Kimelfeld and Christopher R{\'e}},
    title     = {Transducing Markov Sequences},
    booktitle = {PODS},
    year      = {2010},
    pages     = {15-26},
    url       = {},
    project   = {Lahar}
    award     = {Selected as one of the pest papers in PODS 2010},

  • Understanding Cardinality Estimation using Entropy Maximization
    Christopher Ré, Dan Suciu
    PODS, 2010, p. 53-64
    Selected as one of the best papers in PODS 2010
    [Full Version] [BibTex]
    author = {Christopher R{\'e} and Dan Suciu},
    title  = {Understanding Cardinality Estimation using Entropy Maximization},
    booktitle = {PODS},
    year   = {2010},
    pages  = {53-64},
    url = {},
    project = {Cardinality Estimation}
    award     = {Selected as one of the pest papers in PODS 2010},
    fullversion = {http://link2}

  • Approximation Trade-Offs in a Markovian Stream Warehouse: An Empirical Study (Short Paper)
    Julie Letchner, Christopher Ré, Magdalena Balazinska, Matthai Philipose
    ICDE, 2010, p. 936-939
    [Full Version] [BibTex]
      author    = {Julie Letchner and
                   Christopher R{\'e} and
                   Magdalena Balazinska and
                   Matthai Philipose},
      title     = {Approximation Trade-Offs in a Markovian Stream Warehouse: An Empirical Study (Short Paper)},
      booktitle = {ICDE},
      year      = {2010},
    	pages     = {936-939},
      url       = {},
      topic     = {Probabilistic Databases},
      project   = {Lahar}