Uses of Class

Packages that use FelixQuery
felix.compiler Package that contains a static analyzer for an MLN program. 
felix.dstruct Package that contains the basic data structure used by Felix. 
felix.executor Package that executes the scheduled physical plan. Package that includes utilities for using the Blah Blah feature extraction language. 
felix.main Main Entry of Felix. 
felix.operator Specialized operators used in Felix. 
felix.optimizer Optimizer used to schedule Felix's execution plan. 
felix.parser Parser of Felix that deals with input. 
felix.task This package instantiates tasks that can be executed in parallel. 

Uses of FelixQuery in felix.compiler

Constructors in felix.compiler with parameters of type FelixQuery
StaticAnalyzer(FelixQuery _fq, FelixCommandOptions _opt)
          The constructor.

Uses of FelixQuery in felix.dstruct

Fields in felix.dstruct declared as FelixQuery
 FelixQuery StatOperator.fq
          Felix query.

Constructors in felix.dstruct with parameters of type FelixQuery
StatOperator(FelixQuery _fq, java.util.HashSet<FelixPredicate> _goalPredicates, FelixCommandOptions _opt)
          the constructor.

Uses of FelixQuery in felix.executor

Constructors in felix.executor with parameters of type FelixQuery
DDExecutor(ExecutionPlan _ep, FelixQuery _fq, FelixCommandOptions _options)
          The constructor.
Executor(ExecutionPlan _ep, FelixQuery _fq, FelixCommandOptions _options)
          Deprecated. The constructor.

Uses of FelixQuery in

Methods in with parameters of type FelixQuery
static void IDNormalizor.loadFromDBTable(java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String table, FelixPredicate p, FelixQuery fq)
          Deprecated. Normalizes ids of given schema.table.

Uses of FelixQuery in felix.main

Fields in felix.main declared as FelixQuery
 FelixQuery Felix.fq
          Felix's query, which consists of program, query and evidence.

Methods in felix.main that return FelixQuery
 FelixQuery OnlineFelix.getFelixQuery()
          Deprecated. Return Felix's query.
 FelixQuery Felix.getFelixQuery()
          Return Felix's query.
 FelixQuery Felix.parseFelixQuery()
          Load Felix query from program and query file.

Uses of FelixQuery in felix.operator

Constructors in felix.operator with parameters of type FelixQuery
COREFOperator(FelixQuery _fq, java.util.HashSet<FelixPredicate> _goalPredicates, FelixCommandOptions _opt)
          The constructor of COREFOperator.
CRFOperator(FelixQuery _fq, java.util.HashSet<FelixPredicate> _goalPredicates, FelixCommandOptions _opt)
          The constructor of CRFOperator.
LROperator(FelixQuery _fq, java.util.HashSet<FelixPredicate> _goalPredicates, FelixCommandOptions _opt)
          The constructor of LROperator.
TUFFYOperator(FelixQuery _fq, java.util.HashSet<FelixPredicate> _goalPredicates, FelixCommandOptions _opt)
          The constructor of TUFFYOperator.

Uses of FelixQuery in felix.optimizer

Constructors in felix.optimizer with parameters of type FelixQuery
OperatorSelector(FelixQuery _fq, CostModel _cm, FelixCommandOptions _options)
          The constructor.
Scheduler(Felix _felix, FelixQuery _fq, FelixCommandOptions _options)
          The constructor.

Uses of FelixQuery in felix.parser

Constructors in felix.parser with parameters of type FelixQuery
FelixInputParser(FelixQuery amln)
          The constructor.

Uses of FelixQuery in felix.task

Constructors in felix.task with parameters of type FelixQuery
ConcurrentEvidenceLoader(java.lang.String _fileName, FelixQuery _fq)
          The constructor.