Report Number: CSL-TR-94-599
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: The Design and Implementation of a High-Performance
Floating-Point Divider
Author: Oberman, Stuart
Author: Quach, Nhon
Author: Flynn, Michael J.
Date: January 1994
Abstract: The increasing computation requirements of modern computer
applications have stimulated a large interest in developing
extremely high-performance floating- point dividers. A
variety of division algorithms are available, with SRT being
utilized in many computer systems.A careful analysis of SRT
divider topologies has demonstrated that a relatively simple
divider designed in anaggressive circuit style can achieve
extremely high performance. Further, an aggressive circuit
implementation can minimize many of the performance
advantages of more complex divider algorithms. This paper
presents the tradeoffs of the different divider topologies,
the design of the divider, and performance results.