Report Number: CSL-TR-93-560
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: The Cramer Rao Bound for Discrete-Time Edge Position
Author: Gatherer, Alan
Date: February 1993
Abstract: The problem of estimating the position of an edge from a
series of samples often occurs in the fields of machine
vision and signal processing. It is therefore of interest to
assess the accuracy of any estimation algorithm. Previous
work in this area has produced bounds for the continuous time
estimator. In this paper we derive a closed form for the
minimum variance bound (or Cramer Rao bound) for estimating
the position of an arbitrarily shaped edge in white Gaussian
noise for the discrete samples case. We quantify the effects
of the sampling rate, the bandwidth of the edge, the shape of
the edge and the size of the observation window on the
variance of the estimator. We describe a maximum likelihood
estimator and show that in practice this estimator requires
fewer computations than standard correlation.