Report Number: CS-TR-96-1570
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Optimization of SQL Queries for Parallel Machines
Author: Hasan, Waqar
Date: May 1996
Abstract: Parallel execution offers a method for reducing the response
time of queries against large databases. We address the
problem of parallel query optimization: Given a declarative
SQL query, find a procedural parallel plan that delivers the
query result in minimal time.
We develop optimization algorithms using models that
incorporate both sources and obstacles to speedup. We address
independent, pipelined and partitioned parallelism. We
incorporate inherent constraints on available parallelism and
the extra cost of parallel execution. Our models are
motivated by experiments with NonStop SQL, a commercial
parallel DBMS.
We adopt a two-phase approach to parallel query optimization:
JOQR (join ordering and query rewrite), followed by
parallelization. JOQR minimizes total work. Then,
parallelization spreads work among processors to minimize
response time.
For JOQR, we model communication costs and abstract physical
characteristics of data as colors. We devise tree coloring
and reordering algorithms that are efficient and optimal.
We model parallelization as scheduling a tree whose nodes
represent operators and edges represent parallel/precedence
constraints. Computation/communication costs are represented
as node/edge weights. We prove worst-case bounds on the
performance ratios of our algorithms and measure average
cases using simulation.
Our results enable the construction of SQL compilers that
effectively exploit parallel machines.