Report Number: CS-TR-95-1562
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: STeP: The Stanford Temporal Prover (Educational Release)
User's Manual
Author: Bjorner, Nikolaj
Author: Browne, Anca
Author: Chang, Eddie
Author: Colon, Michael
Author: Kapur, Arjun
Author: Manna, Z ohar
Author: Sipma, Henny B.
Author: Uribe, Tomas E.
Date: November 1995
Abstract: The STeP (Stanford Temporal Prover) system supports the
computer-aided verification of reactive and real-time
systems. It combines deductive methods with algorithmic
techniques to allow the verification of a broad class of
systems, including infinite-state systems and parameterized
N-process programs.
STeP provides the visual language of verification diagrams
that allow the user to construct proofs hierarchically,
starting from a high-level proof sketch. The availability of
automatically generated bottom-up and top-down invariants and
an integrated suite of decision procedures allow most
verification conditions to be checked without user