Report Number: CS-TR-89-1244
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Software Performance on Nonlinear Least-Squares Problems
Author: Fraley, Christina
Date: January 1989
Abstract: This paper presents numerical results for a large and varied
set of problems using sofware that is widely available and
has undergone extensive testing. The algorithms implemented
in this software include Newton-based linesearch and
trust-region methods for unconstrained optimization, as well
as Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt, and special
quasi-Newton methods for nonlinear least squares. Rather than
give a critical assessment of the software itself, our
original purpose was to use the best available software to
compare the underlying algorithms, to identify classes of
problems for each method on which the performance is either
very good or very poor and to provide benchmarks for future
work in nonlinear least squares and unconstrained
optimization. The variability in the results made it
impossible to meet either of the first two goals; however the
results are significant as a step toward explaining why
thesse aims are so difficult to accomplish.