Report Number: CS-TR-80-832
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Scheduling wide graphs
Author: Dolev, Danny
Date: December 1980
Abstract: The problem of scheduling a partially ordered set of unit
length tasks on m identical processors is known to be
NP-complete. There are efficient algorithms for only a few
special cases of this problem. In this paper we explore the
relations between the structure of the precedence graph (the
partial order) and optimal schedules. We prove that in
finding an optimal schedule for certain systems it suffices
to consider at each step high roots which belong to at most
the m-1 highest components of the precedence graph. This
result reduces the number of cases we have to check during
the construction of an optimal schedule. Our method may lead
to the development of linear scheduling algorithms for many
practical cases and to better bounds for complex algorithms.
In particular, in the case the precedence graph contains only
inforest and outforest components, this result leads to
efficient algorithms for obtaining an optimal schedule on two
or three processors.