Report Number: CS-TR-66-53
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: A programming language for the 360 computers
Author: Wirth, Niklaus
Date: December 1966
Abstract: A programming language for the IBM 360 computers and its
implementation are described. The language, called PL360,
provides the facilities of a symbolic machine language, but
displays a structure defined by a recursive syntax. The
compiler, consisting of a precedence syntax analyser and a
set of interpretation rules with strict one-to-one
correspondence to the set of syntactic rules directly
reflects the definition of the language.
| k-th syntax rule | k-th interpretation rule | $S_0 ::= S_1
S_2 ... S_n$ | $V_0 := f_k (V_1 , V_2 , ... , V_n)$ |
PL360 was designed to improve the readability of programs
which must take into account specific characteristics and
limitations of a particular computer. It represents an
attempt to further the state of the art of programming by
encouraging and even forcing the programmer to improve his
style of exposition and his principles and discipline in
program organization, and not by merely providing a multitude
of "new" features and facilities. The language is therefore
particularly well suited for tutorial purposes.
The attempt to present a computer as a systematically
organized entity is also hoped to be of interest to designers
of future computers.