Steps for submitting your programming assignment electronically: 1. Make sure you are logged into a leland machine. 2. Prepare a directory containing your submission, including all code/data files and Oracle session scripts required by the assignment. We recommend that you make this submit directory separate from your working PDA directory, in case you accidentally delete something needed by future assignments. The submit script will reject submissions that are too large, so if necessary you should truncate your data files and session scripts. 3. Put a README file in your submit directory. The README file should tell us where to locate your code/scripts for each problem of the assignment. If you have any special comments you want us to know about your submission, please also add them here. The README is also a pretty good place to put feedback about the assignments. Too hard, too long, too easy, too much fun? 4. Go into your submit directory and type the command: /usr/class/cs145/code/bin/submit145 or, if you've already ran "source /usr/class/cs145/all.env", just submit145 The script will ask you for the path to the directory containing your submission (use . since you should already be in your submit directory). 6. If all goes well, you get the happy "SUBMIT SUCCESS" message. If you get a message that says something else, follow its directions. 7. If you need to resubmit because you made later changes, just redo the steps above. The script will notice if you are attempting to resubmit and allow you to overwrite. Only the very last submission will be graded, and we will also determine lateness by the timestamp on that submission. The script will not allow you to resubmit more than a few times, at which point, if you need to make further changes, contact cs145-staff@cs.