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(Note: Please visit Claycloud to see my latest interactive tools for students learning math.)
PyClaycloud is an executable
pastebin for Python
that runs on top of Google App Engine.
The goal of PyClaycloud is to
facilitate the sharing and rapid prototyping of Python scripts.
With PyClaycloud, you can
execute Python code in the browser,
and share with your friends.
Below is a chart I made based on Wikipedia data:
Nationalities of Players in NBA Draft 1992
Easy Sharing
How did I create the above chart?
With PyClaycloud, scripts are easy to share. Simply save the
script at a PyClaycloud URL:
Follow the above PyClaycloud URL to see how the chart was
generated. You can press "Submit Code" to reexecute the script. (Please
be patient. Press "Submit Code" again if it returns a timeout
"Application Error: 5".)
Quick Prototyping
Want to run the above script on different data? PyClaycloud makes it easy.
Edit and submit any script for fast prototyping. As an example, we can
edit the above script to create a similar chart for 2003 data:
Nationalities of Players in NBA Draft 2003
PyClaycloud-Specific Functionality
As a Google App Engine app, PyClaycloud can execute Python 2.5.
To facilitate fast prototyping, I added two functions to PyClaycloud on
top of standard Python:
- webexec(): This function executes Python code located at a
URL. The running example runs webexec() on a custom library by
Austin Haugen for
parsing Wikipedia pages:
- html_print(): This function can display HTML
in the browser after PyClaycloud executes.
The running example uses html_print() with Google
Please message me at claycloud.msg [at] to express interest.
Let me know if you have particular workloads or scenarios in mind.
Want to launch your own PyClaycloud?
- If you'd like to run your own PyClaycloud, please contact me.
Google App Engine is free (below their quota) and installation is easy.
If there is demand, I can clean up the
code base and then release it on github.