References to Image and Video Databases
1 - Conferences
IEEE International Workshop on Content-Based Access of Image and Video Databases, (CAIVD) IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA 90720
CAIVD '98 (TA 1632, I85, 1998, Stanford Math and Computer Sci Library).
CAIVD '99 (TA 1632, I85, 1999, Stanford Math and Computer Sci Library).
Visual Information and Information Systems: Third Int. Conf., VISUAL'99, June 2-4, 1999 Proceedings, D. P. Huijsmans and A.W.M. Smeulders (eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science #1614, Springer, Berlin. QA 76.575, V58, 1999, Stanford Math and Computer Sciences Library
2 - Review Articles
Yong Rui, Thomas S. Huang, and Shi-Fu Chang (Univ. of Illinois, Columbia Univ.): "Image Retrieval: Current Techniques, Promising Directions and Open Issues" (ps); J. of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 10, 39-62 (1999) (Available in Stanford Engineering Library).
R. Brunelli, O. Mich, and C.M. Modena, "A Survey on the Automatic Indexing of Video Data," J. of Visual Communication and Image Representation," 10, 78-112 (1999). (Available in the Stanford Engineering Library)
3 - Books
Maybury, M.T. (ed), Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval, AAAI Press/MIT Press, 1997.
This excellent softcover book covers both image and video retrieval. Each section has chapters written by different research groups:
Section 1: Content-based retrieval of imagery
Section 2: Content-based retrieval of graphics and audio
Section 3: Content-based retrieval of video
Section 4: Speech and language processing for video retrieval
Section 5: Architectures and tools
Section 6: Intelligent hypermedia
Section 7: Empirical evaluations
Fuhrt, B. Smollar, S.W., Zhang, H., Video and Image Processing in Multimedia Systems, Kluwer Academic, Boston, 1995.
Excellent book on multimedia, with the following sections:
Part I Introduction to multimedia
Part II Multimedia compression standards
Part III Image and video indexing and retrieval techniques
Elmagarid, A.K., et al, Video Database Systems: Issues, Products, and Applications, Kluwer Academic, Boston, 1997.
Appendix A, Useful URLs, has 30 pages of interesting URLs related to video database systems.
4- Special Issues of Technical Journals
IEEE Intelligent Systems, Sept/Oct 1999, Intelligent Multimedia Retrieval.
Intelligent Information Retrieval, July/Aug 1999
Communications of the ACM 40(12), Dec. 1997, Visual Information Management, contains the papers:
In search of information in visual media
Retrieving and visualizing video
Video abstracting
Visual information retrieval from large distributed online repositories
Managing multimedia information in database systems
Computer 28(2), Sept. 1995, Content-based Image Retrieval Systems, IEEE Computer Society. Contains the following papers:
Guest editor's introduction: Content-based image retrieval
Query by image and video content: The QBIC system
Heterogeneous multimedia reasoning
Chabot: Retrieval from a relational database of images
Automatic indexing and content-based retrieval of captioned images
Similar-shape retrieval in shape data management