A Datamodel and Algebra for XML
Ashok Malhotra
IBM Research
Before we can talk about a query language for XML we need a data model
and algebra. This talk will discuss some joint work we have been doing
with Oracle and Microsoft on a datamodel and algebra for XML.
We will discuss how this model is difefrent from the Info set and also
discuss some considerations for a syntax. This paper has
been submitted to the W3C XML Query Working Group.
After receiving his Ph.D. from MIT, Ashok Malhotra has been with IBM Research
for almost 25 years. In the late seventies and early eighties, he designed
and built an Entity-Relationship database with integrated language support.
Later, he built the first visual database query interface. More recently,
he designed an object database for the IBM AS/400 that took advantage of its
long address architecture and built-in persistence mechanisms.
Dr. Malhotra is the author of over 30 technical papers and holds 5 patents.
He represents IBM on the XML Schema and XML Query Working Groups.