Package unittests :: Package victor_file :: Module victor_file_round_trip_tests :: Class VictorFileRoundTripRegressionTests
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Class VictorFileRoundTripRegressionTests

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unittest.TestCase --+

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from unittest.TestCase: failureException

Instance Methods [hide private]
generic_test_round_trip_data(self, schema, type_params, method_name)
Tests whether random data types are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random char are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random bool are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random int2 are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random int4 are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random int8 are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random float4 are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random float8 are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random bool array are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random int2 array are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random int4 array are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random int8 array are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random float4 array are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random float8 array are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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Tests whether tuples that only contain random float8 2d array are successfully read and written by VictorFile
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This method tests read and write of tuples with possible non-array data type combinations.
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This method tests read and write of tuples with possible array(1d or 2d) data type combinations.
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This method tests read and write of tuples with possible non-array and array(1d or 2d) data type combinations.
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Inherited from unittest.TestCase: __call__, __eq__, __hash__, __init__, __ne__, __repr__, __str__, assertAlmostEqual, assertAlmostEquals, assertEqual, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertNotAlmostEqual, assertNotAlmostEquals, assertNotEqual, assertNotEquals, assertRaises, assertTrue, assert_, countTestCases, debug, defaultTestResult, fail, failIf, failIfAlmostEqual, failIfEqual, failUnless, failUnlessAlmostEqual, failUnlessEqual, failUnlessRaises, id, run, setUp, shortDescription, tearDown

Inherited from unittest.TestCase (private): _exc_info

Method Details [hide private]

generic_test_round_trip_data(self, schema, type_params, method_name)

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Tests whether random data types are successfully read and written by VictorFile

  • schema (tuple) - represents the data types in the tuple
  • type_params (tuple) - contains information(is_array_type, elm_size, random_fnc, elm_type, pack_fnc, convert_sql_fnc, sql_create_type) about each data type in the tuple.
  • method_name (string) - the name of the method who calls this generic method


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This method tests read and write of tuples with possible non-array data type combinations. Since there are 7 non-array data types, all combinations produce 127 different schema.


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This method tests read and write of tuples with possible array(1d or 2d) data type combinations. Since there are 7 array data types, all combinations produce 127 different schema.


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This method tests read and write of tuples with possible non-array and array(1d or 2d) data type combinations. Since there are 14 data types, all combinations should produce 2 ** 14 - 1 different schema.