Package tools :: Module python_curry
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Source Code for Module tools.python_curry

 1  # TODO: This is the start of a tool that generates the .sql portion of 
 2  #       model descriptions from the raw python model description code 
 3  # 
 4  # params =[(name, type) ... ] 
 6  """ 
 7  This module contains a function to build curry function. 
 8  """ 
10 -def build_curry_function(curry_fname, mid, fname, modulename, path, params, return_type):
11 """ 12 This function generates the .sql portion of model descriptions from the raw python model 13 description code 14 15 @type curry_fname: string 16 @param curry_fname: curry function name 17 @type mid: number 18 @param mid: mid 19 @type fname: string 20 @param fname: function name 21 @type modulename: string 22 @param modulename: name of the module 23 @type path: string 24 @param path: path to the module 25 @type params: vector 26 @param params: parameters of the function 27 @type return_type: string 28 @param return_type: return type of the SQL function 29 30 @rtype: string 31 @return: SQL function 32 """ 33 param_types = [ t for (p,t) in params ] 34 param_names = [ p for (p,t) in params ] 35 param_full = [ (p + " " + t) for (p,t) in params] 36 37 param_type_str = ','.join(param_types) 38 param_call_str = ','.join(param_names) 39 param_full_str = ','.join(param_full) 40 41 f= "" 42 f+= "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS " + curry_fname + "(" + param_type_str + ") CASCADE;\n" 43 f+= "CREATE FUNCTION " + curry_fname + "(" + param_full_str + ")\n" 44 f+= "\tRETURNS " + return_type +"\n" 45 f+= "AS $$\n" 46 f+= "import sys\n" 47 f+= "sys.append.path(path)\n" 48 f+= "import " + modulename + "\n" 49 f+= "model = GD[" + str(mid) + "]\n" 50 f+= "return "+ modulename + "." + fname + "(" + param_call_str + ")\n" 51 f+= "$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;" 52 return f