Uses of Class

Packages that use Config.TUFFY_INFERENCE_TASK
tuffy.infer Provides MLN inference algorithms. 
tuffy.util Miscellaneous utilities. 

Uses of Config.TUFFY_INFERENCE_TASK in tuffy.infer

Fields in tuffy.infer declared as Config.TUFFY_INFERENCE_TASK
(package private)  Config.TUFFY_INFERENCE_TASK InferBucket.task
(package private)  Config.TUFFY_INFERENCE_TASK InferBucket.CompWorker.task

Uses of Config.TUFFY_INFERENCE_TASK in tuffy.util

Methods in tuffy.util that return Config.TUFFY_INFERENCE_TASK
static Config.TUFFY_INFERENCE_TASK Config.TUFFY_INFERENCE_TASK.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.