Report Number: CSL-TR-97-745
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Selection of Recent Advances in Computer Systems
Author: Mencer, Oskar
Author: Flynn, Michael
Date: July 1999
Abstract: This paper presents a selection of recent research results in
computer systems. The roadmap for CMOS technology for the
next ten years shows a theoretical limit of 0.1 um for the
channel of a MOSFET transistor, reached by 2007. Mainstream
processors are adapting to multimedia applications with
subword parallel instructions like Intel's MMX or HP's MAX
instruction set extensions. Coprocessors and embedded
processors are moving towards VLIW in order to save hardware
costs. The memory system of the future is going to be the
next generation of Rambus/RDRAM. Finally, Custom Computing
Machines based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays are on of
the promising future technologies for computing -- offering
very high performance for highly parallelizable and
pipelinable applications.