Report Number: CSL-TR-96-704
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Synthesis Techniques for Pseudo-Random Built-In Self-Test
Author: Touba, Nur A.
Date: August 1996
Abstract: Built-in self-test (BIST) techniques enable an integrated
circuit (IC) to test itself. BIST reduces test and
maintenance costs for an IC by eliminating the need for
expensive test equipment and by allowing fast location of
failed ICs in a system. BIST also allows an IC to be tested
at its normal operating speed which is very important for
detecting timing faults. Despite all of these advantages,
BIST has seen limited use in industry because of area and
performance overhead and increased design time. This
dissertation presents automated techniques for implementing
BIST in a way that minimizes area and performance overhead. A
low-overhead approach for BIST is to use a linear feedback
shift register (LFSR) to apply pseudorandom test patterns to
the circuit-under-test. Unfortunately, many circuits contain
random-pattern-resistant faults which limit the fault
coverage that can be obtained for pseudo-random BIST. Several
different approaches for solving this problem are presented.
A logic synthesis procedure that performs testability-driven
factoring to generate a random pattern testable design is
presented. By considering random pattern testability during
the factoring process, the overhead can be minimized. For
hand-designed circuits or circuits that are not
synthesizable, an innovative test point insertion procedure
is described for inserting test points to make the circuit
random pattern testable. A path tracing procedure is used for
test point placement. A few of the existing primary inputs
are ANDed together to form signals that drive the control
points. These innovations result in fewer test points than
previous methods. If it is not possible or not desirable to
modify the circuit-under-test, then a procedure is described
for synthesizing mapping logic that can placed at the output
of the LFSR to transform the pseudorandom patterns so that
they provide the required fault coverage. Much less overhead
is required compared with weighted pattern testing methods.
Lastly, a technique is described for placing bitfixing logic
at the serial output of an LFSR to embed deterministic test
patterns for the random pattern resistant faults in the
pseudorandom bit sequence. This method does not require any
performance overhead beyond what is needed for scan.