Report Number: CSL-TR-95-663
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Automatic Technology Mapping for Asynchronous Designs
Author: Siegel, Polly Sara Kay
Date: March 1995
Abstract: Asynchronous design styles have been increasing in popularity
as device sizes shrink and concurrency is exploited to
increase system performance. However, asynchronous designs
are difficult to implement correctly because the presence of
hazards, which are of little consequence to most parts of
synchronous systems, can cause improper circuit operation.
Many asynchronous design styles, together with accompanying
automated synthesis algorithms, address the issues of design
complexity and correctness. Typically, these synthesis
systems take a high-level description of an asynchronous
system and produce a logic-level description of the resultant
design that is hazard-free for transitions of interest. The
designer then must manually translate this logic-level
description into a technology- specific implementation
composed of an interconnection of elements from a semi-custom
cell library. At this stage, the designer must be careful not
to introduce new hazards into the design. The size of designs
is limited in part by the inability to safely (and reliably)
map the technology-independent description into an
In this thesis, we address the problem of technology mapping
for two different asynchronous design styles. We first
address the problem for burst-mode designs. We developed
theorems and algorithms for hazard-free mapping of burst-mode
designs, and implemented these algorithms on top of an
existing synchronous technology mapper. We incorporated this
mapper into a toolkit for asynchronous design, and used the
toolkit to implement a low-power infrared communications
chip. We then extended this work to apply to the problem of
hazard-free technology mapping of speed-independent designs.
The difficulty in this design style is in the decomposition
phase of the mapping algorithm, and we developed theory and
algorithms for correct hazard-free decomposition of this
design style. We also developed an exact covering algorithm
which takes advantage of logic sharing within the design.
These algorithms were then applied to benchmark circuits.