Report Number: CSL-TR-94-657
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Instruction Level Parallel Processors---A New Architectural
Model for Simulation and Analysis
Author: Rudd, Kevin W.
Date: December 1994
Abstract: Trends in high-performance computer architecture have led to
the development of increased clock-rate and dynamic
multiple-instruction issue processor designs. There have been
problems combining both these techniques due to the pressure
that the complex scheduling and issue logic puts on the cycle
time. This problem has limited the performance of
multiple-instruction issue architectures. The alternative
approach of static multiple-operation issue avoids the
clock-rate problem by allowing the hardware to concurrently
issue only those operations that the compiler scheduled to be
issued concurrently. Since there is no hardware support
required to achieve multiple-operation issue (there are
multiple operations in a single instruction and the hardware
issues a single instruction at a time), these designs can be
effectively scaled to high clock rates. However, these
designs have the problem that the scheduling of operations
into instructions is rigid and to increase the performance of
the system the entire system must be scaled uniformly so that
the static schedule is not compromised. This report describes
an architectural model that allows a range of hybrid
architectures to be studied.