Report Number: CSL-TR-94-624
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: WSIM: A Symbolic Waveform Simulator
Author: Franco, Piero
Author: McCluskey, Edward J.
Date: June 1994
Abstract: A symbolic waveform simulator is proposed in this report. The
delay of faulty element is treated as a variable in the
generation of the output waveform. Therefore, many timing
simulations with different delay values do not have to be
done to analyze the behavior of the circuit-under-test with
the timing fault. The motivation for this work was to
investigate delay testing by Output Waveform Analysis, where
an accurate representation of the actual waveforms is
required, although the simulator can be used for other
applications as well (such as power analysis). Output
Waveform Analysis will be briefly reviewed, followed by a
description of both a simplified and a complete
implementation of the waveform simulator, and simulation