Report Number: CSL-TR-91-484
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Self-Consistency and Transitivity in Self-Calibration Procedures
Author: Raugh, Michael
Date: July 1991
Abstract: Self-calibration refers to the use of an uncalibrated measuring
instrument and an uncalibrated object called an artifact, such
as a rigid marked plate, to simultaneously measure the artifact
and calibrate the instrument. Typically, the artifact is
measured in more than one position, and the required information
is derived from comparisons of the various measurements. The
problems of self-calibration are surprisingly subtle. This paper
develops concepts and vocabulary for dealing with such problems
in one and two dimensions and uses simple (non-optimal)
procedures to reveal the underlying principles. The approach
in two dimensions is mathematically constructive: procedures are
described for measuring an uncalibrated artifact in several
stages, involving progressive transformations of the instrument's
uncalibrated coordinate system, until correct coordinates for
the artifact are obtained and calibration of the instrument is
achieved. Self-consistency and transitivity, as defined within,
emerge as key concepts. It is shown that self-consistency and
transitivity are necessary conditions for self-calibration.
Consequently, in general, it is impossible to calibrate a
two dimenstional measuring instrument by simply rotating and
measureing a calibration plate about a fixed center.