Report Number: CSL-TR-91-481
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Subnanosecond arithmetic (Second Report)
Author: Flynn, Michael J.
Author: DeMicheli, Giovanni
Author: Dutton, Robert
Author: Pease, R. Fabian
Author: Wooley, Bruce
Date: June 1991
Abstract: The Stanford Nanosecond Arithmetic Project is targeted at
realizing an arithmetic processor with performance
approximately an order of magnitude faster than currently
available technology. The realization of SNAP is predicated
on an interdisciplinary approach and effort spanning research
in algorithms, data representation, CAD, circuits and
devices, and packaging. SNAP is visualized as an arithmetic
coprocessor implemented on an active substrate containing
several chips, each of which realize a particular arithmetic
function. This year's report highlights recent results in the
area of wave pipelining. We have fabricated a number of
prototype die, implementing a multiplier slice. Cycle times
below 5ns were realized.