Report Number: CSL-TR-90-438
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: A Methodology for Formal Specification and Implementation of
Ada Packages Using Anna
Author: Madhav, Neel
Author: Mann, Walter
Date: August 1990
Abstract: This paper presents a methodology for formal specification
and prototype implementation of Ada packages using the Anna
specification language.
Specifications play an important role in the software
development cycle. The methodology allows specifiers of Ada
packages to follow a sequence of simple steps to formally
specify packages.
Given the formal specification of a package resulting from
the methodology for package specifications, the methodology
allows implementors of packages to follow a few simple steps
to implement the package. The implementation is meant to be a
This methodology for specification and implementation is
applicable to most Ada packages. Limitations of this approach
are pointed out at various points in the paper.
We present software tools which help the process of
specification and implementation.