Report Number: CSL-TR-89-395
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Design of Run Time Monitors for Concurrent Programs
Author: Helmbold, David
Author: Bryan, Doug
Date: October 1989
Abstract: We address the problem of correctly monitoring the run time
behavior of a concurrent program. We view a program as having
three (potentially different) sets of behavior: computations
of the original program when monitoring is not performed,
computations after the monitor is added to the program, and
"observations'' produced by the monitor. Using these sets of
behaviors, we define four properties of monitor systems:
non-interference, safety, accuracy and correctness. We define
both a minimal level and a total level for each of these
properties. The non-interference and safety properties
address the degree to which the presence of the monitor
alters a computation (the differences between the first two
sets of computations). Accuracy is a relationship between a
monitored computation and the observation of the computation
produced by the monitor. Correctness is a relationship
between observations and the unmonitored computations.
A run time monitor for TSL-1 and Ada has been implemented.
This monitor system uses two techniques for constructing the
observation. We show that any monitoring system using these
two techniques is at least minimally correct, from which the
(minimal) correctness of the TSL-1 monitor follows.