Report Number: CSL-TR-88-349
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Thor user's manual: library functions
Author: Alverson, Robert
Author: Blank, Tom
Author: Choi, Kiyoung
Author: Hwang, Sun Young
Author: Salz, Arturo
Author: Soule, Larry
Author: Rokicki, Thomas
Date: January 1988
Abstract: THOR is a behavioral simulation environment intended for use with digital circuits at either the gate, register transfer, or functional levels. Models are written in the CHDL modeling language (a hardware description language based on the "C" programming language). Network descriptions are written in the CSL language supporting hierarchical network descriptions. Using interactive mode, batch mode or both combined, a variety of commands are available to control execution. Simulation output can be viewed in tabular format or in waveforms. A library of components and a toolbox for building simulation models are also provided. Other tools include CSLIM, used to generate boolean equations directly from THOR models and an interface to other simulators (e.g. RSIM and a physical chip tester) so that two simulations can be run concurrently verifying equivalent operation. This technical report is part one of two parts and is formatted similar to UNIX manuals. Part one contains the THOR tutorial and all the commands associated with THOR. Part two contains descriptions of the general purpose functions used in models, the parts library including many TTL components, and the logic analyzer model.