Report Number: CSL-TR-87-326
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: SRT division diagrams and their usage in designing intergrated circuits for division
Author: Williams, Ted E.
Author: Horowitz, Mark
Date: November 1986
Abstract: This paper describes the construction and analysis of several
diagrams which depict SRT division algorithms. These diagrams
yield insight into the operation of the algorithms and the
many implementation tradeoffs available in custom circuit
design. Examples of simple low radix diagrams are shown, as
well as tables for higher radices. The tables were generated
by a program which can create and verify the diagrams for
different division schemes. Also discussed is a custom CMOS
integrated circuit designed which performs SRT division using
self-timed circuit techniques. This chip implements an
intermediate approach between a fully combinational array and
a fully iterative in time method in order to get both speed
and small silicon area.