Report Number: CSL-TR-86-303
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: The semantics of timing constructs in hardware description languages
Author: Luckham, David C.
Author: Huh, Youm
Author: Stanculescu, Alec G.
Date: August 1986
Abstract: Three different approaches to the representation of time in
high level hardware design languages are described and
compared. The first is the timed assignment statement of
ADLIB/SABLE which anticipates future events. The second is
the timed assignment of VHDL which predicts future events and
allows predictions to be preempted by other predictions. The
third is a new proposed method of expressing time dependency
by qualifying expressions so that their values are required
to be constant over a specified time interval. Examples
comparing these three approaches are given. It is shown how
time-qualified expressions could be introduced into a
hardware description language. The possibility of proving
correctness of hardware models in this language is