Report Number: CSL-TR-83-244
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: High speed image rasterization using a highly parallel smart bulk memory
Date: June 1983
Abstract: VLSI technology allows the efficient realization of a class
of highly parallel architectures consisting of high density
semiconductor memory with an on-chip processor which accesses
the memory in large sections simultaneously. A processor is
described which uses this architecture to rasterize lines,
polygons and text quickly, providing the rasterization
support required in high performance graphic raster displays
and fast page printers. This on-chip processor translates
high-level low bandwidth commands into low-level high
bandwidth actions on chip, where the high bandwidth can be
tolerated. This architecture is capable of achieving
performance comparable to the "processor per pixel"
approaches while avoiding the tremendous density penalty
incurred by such approaches. Consequently, it is practical to
build a very high performance high resolution system from a
small number of these chips.