Report Number: CSL-TR-81-209
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Dynamic detection of concurrency in do-loops using ordering matrices
Author: Wedig, Robert G.
Date: May 1981
Abstract: This paper describes the data structures and techniques used
in dynamically detecting concurrency in Directly Executed
Language (DEL) instruction streams. By dynamic detection, it
is meant that these techniques are designed to be used at run
time with no special source manipulation or preprocessing
required to perform the detection.
An abstract model of a concurrency detection structure called
an ordering matrix is presented. This structure is used, with
two other execution vectors, to represent the dependencies
between instructions and indicate where potential concurrency
An algorithm is developed which utilizes the ordering matrix
to detect concurrency within determinate DO-loops. It is then
generalized to detect concurrency in arbitrary del
instruction streams.