Report Number: CSL-TR-77-137
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Performance analysis of computer communication networks via random access channels
Author: Yu, Philip S.
Date: April 1977
Abstract: The field of computer communication networks has grown very
rapidly in the past few years. One way to communicate is via
multiple access broadcast channels. A new class of random
access schemes referred to as the Mp-persistent CSMA scheme
is proposed. It incorporates the nonpersistent CSMA scheme
and the 1-persistent CSMA scheme, both slotted and unslotted
versions, as its special cases with p=0 and 1, respectively.
The performance of the Mp-persistent CSMA scheme under packet
switching is analyzed and compared with other random access
schemes. By dynamically adjusting p, the unslotted version
can achieve better performance in both throughput and delay
than the currently available unslotted CSMA schemes under
packet switching. Furthermore, the performance of various
random access schemes under message switching is analyzed and
compared with that under packet switching. In both slotted
and unslotted versions of the M0-persistent CSMA scheme, the
performance under message switching is superior to that under
packet switching in the sense that not only the channel
capacity is larger but also the average number of
retransmissions per successful message under message
switching is smaller than that per successful packet under
packet switching. In dynamic reservation schemes, message
switching leads to larger channel capacity. However, in both
slotted and unslotted versions of the ALOHA scheme, the
channel capacity is reduced when message switching is used
instead of packet switching. This phenomenon may also happen
in the Mp-persistent CSMA scheme as p deviates from 0 to 1
for certain distributions of message length. Hence, the
performance under message switching may be superior to or
inferior to that under packet switching depending upon the
random access scheme being used and the distribution of
message length (usually a large coefficient of variation of
message length implies a large degradation of channel
capacity in this case) for certain random access schemes.
Nevertheless, for radio channels, message switching can
achieve larger channel capacity if appropriate CSMA schemes
are used. A mixed strategy which is a combination of message
switching and packet switching is proposed to improve the
performance of a point to point computer communication
network when its terminal access networks communicate via
highly utilized radio channels.