Report Number: CSL-TR-77-134
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Design of two-level fault-tolerant networks form threshold elements
Author: Butakov, Evguenij A.
Author: Posherstnick, Marat S.
Date: March 1977
Abstract: Only a small part of all Boolean functions of n-variables can
be realized by one threshold element (T.E.). For all other
functions the net must be built with at least two T.E.'s. The
problem of constructing a fault-tolerant two-level network
from T.E. is investigated. The notion of limiting function is
introduced. It is shown that the use of these limiting
functions induces a reduction in the number of possible
candidates during the process of finding a realization of an
arbitrary function by threshold functions. The method is
based on the two-asummability property of threshold functions
and therefore is applicable to completely specified Boolean
functions with less than nine variables.