Report Number: CSL-TR-72-36
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Design of a parallel encoder/decoder for the Hamming code, using ROM
Author: Mitarai, H.
Author: McCluskey, E. J.
Date: June 1972
Abstract: ROM implementation of logic circuits which have a large
number of inputs in generally considered unwise. However, in
the design of an encoder/decoder for the Hamming code, ROM
implementation is found to yield many advantages over SSI and
MSI implementation. There is a one-to-one correspondence
between the partition of H matrix into submatrices and the
partition of the set of the inputs to the encoder into
subsets of the inputs to the ROM modules. Hence, several
methods of partitioning the H matrix for the Hamming code are
devised. The resulting ROM implementation is shown to save
package count compared with other implementations. However,
at the present state of technology, there is a trade-off
between speed and package count. In the applications where
speed is of the utmost importance, the SSI implementation
using ECL logic is the most attractive. The disadvantage of
ROM in speed should diminish in the near future when
semiconductor memory technology will progress to the point
where the slow DTL/TTL gates in the input buffer, the address
decoder, and the output buffer of ROM, can be replaced by
faster gates.