Report Number: CSL-TR-70-11
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: The SPOOF: a new technique for analyzing the effects of faults on logic networks
Author: Clegg, Frederick W.
Date: August 1970
Abstract: In general, one cannot predict the effects of possible
failures on the functional characteristics of a logic network
without knowledge of the structure of that network.
The SPOOF or structure-and parity-observing output function
described in this report provides a new and convenient means
of characterizing both network structure and output function
in a single algebraic expression.
A straightforward method for the determination of a SPOOF for
any logic network is demonstrated. Similarities between
SPOOF's and other means of characterizing network structure
are discussed. Examples are presented which illustrate the
ease with which the effects of any "stuck-at" fault - single
or multiple - on the functional characteristics of a logic
network are determined using SPOOF's.