Report Number: CSL-TR-68-1
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: On the computational complexity of finite functions
Author: Spira, Philip M.
Date: May 1968
Abstract: One of the most rapidly expanding fields of applied
mathematics and engineering is automata theory. Although the
term "automaton" is derived from "self-moving thing," the
prime concern of automata theory is the study of
information-processing devices. A specific example of
information processing is computation, and thus the
mathematical properties of devices which perform computations
are of interest to automata theorists. In this thesis we
investigate the computation by logic circuits of a certain
class of functions having finite domain. To a given function
f a number of so-called complexity criteria can be assigned
relative to that class, e.g., the minimum computation time of
or the minimum number of elements contained in any circuit of
the class which is capable of computing f . Our prime
criterion of interest will be computation time.
The type of circuits investigated in this thesis are called
(d,r ) circuits. A (d,r ) circuit is composed of logical
elements each having at most r inputs and one output. Each
input value and output value is an element from the set Z d =
{0,1,...,d - 1}, and each element has unit delay in computing
its output. Thus a given element computes a function from
Z S(k,d) to Z d , for some k 2 r, in unit time. The output of
one element can be connected to inputs of any number of
elements (including itself) and can also comprise one of the
outputs of the circuit and an element receives a given one of
its inputs either from the output of some element or from the
inputs to the circuit. When individual elements are
interconnected to form a (d,r) circuit, we can associate a
computation time with the entire circuit.
Specifically, let f : X1,...,Xn . Y be any function on finite
sets X1,...,Xn. Let C be a (d,r) circuit whose input lines
are partitioned into n sets. Let IC,j be the set of
configurations of values from Z d on the jth (J = 1,2,...,n)
and let OC be the set of output configurations of the
circuit. Then C is said to compute f in time t if there are
maps gj : Xj . IC,j (j = 1,2,...,n) and a 1 - 1 function h :
Y . OC such that, if the input from time 0 through time t - 1
is [g1(x1),...,gn(xn)], then the output of C at time t will
be h(f(x1,...,xn)).
Winograd has done pioneering work on the time of computation
of finite functions by (d,r) circuits. He has derived lower
bounds on computation time and has constructed near optimal
circuits for many classes of finite functions.
A principal contribution of this thesis is a complete
determination of the time necessary to compute multiplication
in a finite group with a (d,r) circuit. A new group theoretic
quantity d(G) is defined whose reciprocal is the proper
generalization of Winograd's a(G) to nonabelian groups. Then
a novel method of circuit synthesis for group multiplication
is given. In contrast to previous procedures, it is valid for
any finite group--abelian or not. It is completely algebraic
in character and is based upon our result that any finite
group has a family of subgroups having a trivial intersection
and minimum order d(G). The computation time achieved is, in
all cases, at most one unit greater than our lower bound. In
particular, if G is abelian our computation time is never
greater--and often considerably less--than Winograd's.
We then generalize the group multiplication procedure to a
method to compute any finite function. For given sets X1, X2
and Y and any family of subsets of Y having a certain
property called completeness, a corresponding hierarchy of
functions having domain X1 x X2 and range Y is established --
the position of a function depending upon its computation
time with our method. For reasons which we explain in the
test, this appears to be a very natural classification
criterion. At the bottom of the hierarchy are invertible
functions such as numerical addition and multiplication, and
the position of a function in the hierarchy depends
essentially upon how far it is from being invertible. For
large |X1| and |X2| almost all functions are near the top,
corresponding to the fact that nearly all f : X1 x X2 . Y
require computation time equal to the maximum required for
any such function. The new method is then applied to the case
of finite semigroup multiplication.