Report Number: CSL-TR-00-793
Institution: Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratory
Title: Allocation and Interface Synthesis Algorithms for Component-based Design
Author: Smith, James
Date: February 2000
Abstract: Since 1965, the size of transistors has been halved and their
speed of operation has been doubled, every 18 to 24 months, a
phenomenon known as Moore's Law. This has allowed rapid
increases in the amount of circuitry that can be included on
a single die. However, as the availability of hardware real
estate escalates at an exponential rate, the complexity
involved in creating circuitry that utilizes that real estate
grows at an exponential, or higher, rate. Component-based
design methodologies promise to reduce the complexity of this
task and the time required to design integrated circuits by
raising the level of abstraction at which circuitry is
specified, synthesized, verified, or physically implemented.
This thesis develops algorithms for synthesizing integrated
circuits by mapping high-level specifications onto existing
components. To perform this task, word- level polynomial
representations are introduced as a mechanism for canonically
and compactly representing the functionality of complex
components. Polynomial representations can be applied to a
broad range of circuits, including combinational, sequential,
and datapath dominated circuits. They provide the basis for
efficiently comparing the functionality of a circuit
specification and a complex component. Once a set of existing
components is determined to be an appropriate implementation
of a specification, interfaces between these components must
be designed. This thesis also presents an algorithm for
automatically deriving an HDL model of an interface between
two or more components given an HDL model of those
components. The combination of polynomial representations and
interface synthesis algorithms provides the basis for a
component-based design methodology.