Report Number: CS-TR-97-1585
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Techniques and Tools for Making Sense out of Heterogeneous
Search Service Results
Author: Baldonado, Michelle Q. Wang
Author: Winograd, Terry
Date: January 1997
Abstract: We describe a set of techniques that allows users to interact
with results at a higher level than the citation level, even
when those results come from a variety of heterogeneous
on-line search services. We believe that interactive result
analysis allows users to "make sense" out of the potentially
many results that may match the constraints they have
supplied to the search services. The inspiration for this
approach comes from reference librarians, who do not respond
to patrons' questions with lists of citations, but rather
give high-level answers that are tailored to the patrons'
needs. We outline here the details of the methods we employ
in order to meet our goal of allowing for dynamic,
user-directed abstraction over result sets, as well as the
prototype tool (SenseMaker) we have built based upon these
techniques. We also take a brief look at the more general
theory that underlies the tool, and hypothesize that it is
applicable to flexible duplicate detection as well.