Report Number: CS-TR-96-1569
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Using Automatic Abstraction for Problem-Solving and Learning
Author: Unruh, Amy
Date: April 1996
Abstract: Abstraction is a powerful tool for controlling search
combinatorics. This research presents a framework for
automatic abstraction planning, and a family of associated
abstraction methods, called SPATULA. The framework provides a
structure within which different parameterized methods for
automatic abstraction can be instantiated to generate
abstraction planning behavior, and provides an integrated
environment for abstract problem-solving and learning.
A core idea underlying the abstraction techniques is that
abstraction can arise as an obviation response to impasses in
planning. Abstraction is performed at problem-solving time
with respect to impasses in the current problem context, and
thus the planner generates abstractions in response to
specific situations. This approach is used to reduce the cost
of lookahead evaluation searches, by performing abstract
search in problem spaces which are automatically abstracted
from the ground spaces during search. New search control
rules are learned during abstract search; they constitute an
abstract plan used in future situations, and produce an
emergent multi-level abstraction behavior. The abstraction
method has been implemented and evaluated. It has been shown
to: reduce planning time, while still yielding good
solutions; reduce learning time; and increase the
effectiveness of learned rules by enabling them to transfer
more widely.