Report Number: CS-TR-96-1563
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Database Research: Achievements and Opportunities into the
21st Century
Author: Silberschatz, Avi
Author: Stonebraker, Michael
Author: Ullman, Jeffrey D.
Date: February 1996
Abstract: In May, 1995 an NSF workshop on the future of database
management systems research was convened. This paper reports
the conclusions of that meeting. Among the most important
directions for future DBMS research recommended by the panel
are: support for multimedia objects; managing distributed and
loosely coupled information, as on the world-wide web;
supporting new database applications such as data mining and
warehousing; workflow and other complex
transaction-management problems, and enhancing the
ease-of-use of DBMS's for both users and system managers.