Report Number: CS-TR-95-1540
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Model-Matching and Individuation for Model-Based Diagnosis
Author: Murdock, Janet L.
Date: January 1995
Abstract: In model-based systems that reason about the physical world,
models are attached to portions of the physical system. To
make model-based systems more extensible and re-usable, this
thesis explores automating model-matching. Models address
particular individuals, portions of the physical world
identified as separate entities. If the set of models is not
fixed, one cannot carve the physical system into a fixed set
of individuals. Our goals are to develop methods for matching
and individuating and identify characteristics of physical
equipment and models required by those methods. Our approach
is to identify a set of characteristics, build a system which
used them, and test re-usability and extensibility. If the
system correctly defines individuals and matches models, even
when models calls for individuals not previously defined,
then we can conclude that we have identified some subset of
the characteristics required. The system matches models to a
series of equipment descriptions, simulating re-use. We also
add a number of models, extending the system, having it match
the new models. Our investigation shows characteristics
required are the 3-dimensional space and how the space is
filled by functional components, phases, materials, and