Report Number: CS-TR-94-1524
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Continuous Verification by Discrete Reasoning
Author: de Alfaro, Luca
Author: Manna, Z ohar
Date: September 1994
Abstract: Two semantics are commonly used for the behavior of real-time
and hybrid systems: a discrete semantics, in which the
temporal evolution is represented as a sequence of snapshots
describing the state of the system at certain times, and a
continuous semantics, in which the temporal evolution is
represented by a series of time intervals, and therefore
corresponds more closely to the physical reality. Powerful
verification rules are known for temporal logic formulas
based on the discrete semantics.
This paper shows how to transfer the verification techniques
of the discrete semantics to the continuous one. We show that
if a temporal logic formula has the property of finite
variability, its validity in the discrete semantics implies
its validity in the continuous one. This leads to a
verification method based on three components: verification
rules for the discrete semantics, axioms about time, and some
temporal reasoning to bring the results together. This
approach enables the verification of properties of real-time
and hybrid systems with respect to the continuous semantics.