Report Number: CS-TR-94-1522
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Compositional Verification of Reactive and Real-time Systems
Author: Chang, Edward
Date: December 1993
Abstract: This thesis presents a compositional methodology for the
verification of reactive and real-time systems. The
correctness of a given system is established from the
correctness of the system's components, each of which may be
treated as a system itself and further reduced. When no
further reduction is possible or desirable, global techniques
for verification may be used to verify the bottom-level
Transition modules are introduced as a suitable compositional
model of computation. Various composition operations are
defined on transition modules, including parallel
composition, sequential composition, and iteration. A
restricted assumption-guarantee style of specification is
advocated, wherein the environment assumption is stated as a
restriction on the environment's next-state relation.
Compositional proof rules are provided in accordance with the
safety-progress hierarchy of temporal properties.
The compositional framework is then extended naturally to
real-time transition modules and discrete-time metric
temporal logic.