Report Number: CS-TR-94-1506
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Optimized Memory-Based Messaging: Leveraging the Memory
System for High-Performance Communication
Author: Cheriton, David R.
Author: Kutter, Robert A.
Date: February 1994
Abstract: Memory-based messaging, passing messages between programs
using shared memory, is a recognized technique for efficient
communication that takes advantage of memory system
performance. However, the conventional operating system
support for this approach is inefficient, especially for
large-scale multiprocessor interconnects, and is too complex
to effectively support in hardware. This paper describes
hardware and software optimizations for memory-based
messaging that efficiently exploit the mechanisms of the
memory system to provide superior communication performance.
We describe the overall model of optimized memory-based
messaging, its implementation in an operating system kernel
and hardware support for this approach in a scalable
multiprocessor architecture. The optimizations include
address-valued signals, message-oriented memory consistency
and automatic signaling on write. Performance evaluations
show these extensions provide a three-to-five-fold
improvement in communication performance over a comparable
software-only implementation.