Report Number: CS-TR-94-1505
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Using a Position History-Based Protocol for Distributed
Object Visualization
Author: Singhal, Sandeep K.
Author: Cheriton, David R.
Date: February 1994
Abstract: Users of distributed virtual reality applications interact
with users located across the network. Similarly, distributed
object visualization systems store dynamic data at one host
and render it in real-time at other hosts. Because data in
both systems is animated and exhibits unpredictable behavior,
providing up-to-date information about remote objects is
expensive. Remote hosts must instead apply extrapolation
between successive update packets to render the object's true
animated behavior. This paper describes and analyzes a
``position history-based'' protocol in which hosts apply
several recent position updates to track the position of
remote objects. The history-based approach offers smooth,
accurate visualizations of remote objects while providing a
scalable solution.