Report Number: CS-TR-91-1391
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: A logic for perception and belief
Author: Shoham, Yoav
Author: del Val, Alvaro
Date: September 1991
Abstract: We present a modal logic for reasoning about perception and
belief, captured respectively by the operators P and B. The B
operator is the standard belief operator used in recent
years, and the P operator is similarly defined. The
contribution of the paper is twofold. First, in terms of P we
provide a definition of perceptual indistinguishability, such
as arises out of limited visual acuity. The definition is
concise, intuitive (we find), and avoids traditional
paradoxes. Second, we explore the bimodal B--P system. We
argue that the relationship between the two modalities varies
among settings: The agent may or may not have confidence in
its perception, may or may not be accurate in it, and so on.
We therefore define a number of agent types corresponding to
these various assumptions, and for each such agent type we
provide a sound and complete axiomatization of the B--P