Report Number: CS-TR-90-1343
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Action logic and pure induction
Author: Pratt, Vaughan
Date: November 1990
Abstract: In Floyd-Hoare logic, programs are dynamic while assertions
are static (hold at states). In action logic the two notions
become one, with programs viewed as on-the-fly assertions
whose truth is evaluated along intervals instead of at
states. Action logic is an equational theory ACT
conservatively extending the equational theory REG of regular
expressions with operations preimplication a --> b (had a
then b) and postimplication b <-- a (b if-ever a). Unlike
REG, ACT is finitely based, makes $a^*$ reflexive transitive
closure, and has an equivalent Hilbert system. The crucial
axiom is that of pure induction, ${(a --> a)}^*$ = a --> a.