Report Number: CS-TR-90-1312
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: A validation structure based theory of plan modification and
Author: Kambhampati, Subbarao
Author: Hendler, James A.
Date: June 1990
Abstract: A framework for the flexible and conservative modification of
plans enables a planner to modify its plans in response to
incremental changes in their specifications, to reuse its
existing plans in new problem situations, and to efficiently
replan in response to execution time failures. We present a
theory of plan modification applicable to hierarchical
nonlinear planning. Our theory utilizes the validation
structure of stored plans to yield a flexible and
conservative plan modification framework. The validation
structure, which constitutes a hierarchical explanation of
correctness of the plan with respect to the planner's own
knowledge of the domain, is annotated on the plan as a
by-product of initial planning. Plan modification is
formalized as a process of removing inconsistencies in the
validation structure of a plan when it is being reused in a
new (changed) planning situation. The repair of these
inconsistencies involves removing unnecessary parts of the
plan and adding new non-primitive tasks to the plan to
establish missing or failing validations. The resultant
partially reduced plan (with a consistent validation
structure) is sent to the planner for complete reduction. We
discuss the development of this theory in the PRIAR system,
present an empirical evaluation of this theory, and
characterize its completeness, coverage, efficiency and