Report Number: CS-TR-87-1188
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Experiments with a Knowledge-Based System on a Multiprocessor
Author: Nakano, Russell
Author: Minami, Masafumi
Date: October 1987
Abstract: This paper documents the results we obtained and the lessons
we learned in the design, implementation, and execution of a
simulated real-time application on a simulated parallel
processor. Specifically, our parallel program ran 100 times
faster on a 100-processor multiprocessor.
The machine architecture is a distributed-memory
multiprocessor. The target machine consists of 10 to 1000
processors, but because of simulator limitations, we ran
simulations of machines consisting of 1 to 100 processors.
Each processor is a computer with its own local memory,
executing an independent instruction stream. There is no
global shared memory; all processes communicate by message
passing. The target programming environment, called Lamina,
encourages a programming style that stresses performance
gains through problem decomposition, allowing many processors
to be brought to bear on a problem. THe key is to distribute
the processing load over replicated objects, and to incresase
throughput by building pipelined sequences of objects that
handle stages of problem solving.
We focused on a knowledge-based application that simulates
real-time understanding of radar tracks, called Airtrac. This
paper describes a portion of the Airtrac application
implemented in Lamina and a set of experiments that we
performed. We confirmed the following hypotheses: 1)
Performance of our concurrent program improves with
additional processors, and thereby attains a significant
level of speedup. 2) Correctness of our concurrent program
can be maintained despite a high degree of problem
decomposition and highly overloaded input data conditions.