Report Number: CS-TR-87-1185
Institution: Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
Title: Blazenet: A Photonic Implementable Wide-Area Network
Author: Haas, Z .
Author: Cheriton, D. R.
Date: December 1987
Abstract: High-performance wide-area networks are required to
interconnect clusters of computers connected by local area
and metropolitan area networks. Optical fiber technology
provides long distance channels in the multi-gigabit per
second range. The challenge is to provide switching nodes
that handle these data rates with minimum delay, and at a
reasonable cost.
In this paper, we describe a packet switching network,
christened Blazenet, that provides low delay and has minimal
memory requirements. It can be extended to support multicast
and priority delivery. Such a network can revolutionize the
opportunities for distributed command and control,
information and resources sharing, real-time conferencing,
and wide-area parallel computation, to mention but a few